Rosemary Niehaus, grew up in-between the Alps and the Low-Countries. The big contrasts in these landscapes and also the cultures always fascinated her, not only their differences but also their resemblances. In her work Niehaus explores these opposites that mark her life. Led by a strong inner feeling of displacement and her ongoing quest for belonging, she wanders through landscapes, urban surroundings, and history. Guided by her memories and her strong connection with nature she (re)captures atmospheres and feelings within different mediums, that are combined with found objects and natural elements. The often fragile pieces are arranged very carefully in an open though slightly narrative way, giving them a sacred status.
Niehaus her work can be summed up as a discovery walk through our heritage, highlighting our connection to places and nature.
1992 / Amersfoort, Utrecht, The Netherlands / rosemaryniehaus@gmail.com
2019 / Minor, Heritage Under Threat / Leiden University, Leiden, South-Holland, NL
2016-2018 / Master Contemporary Arts Practice / Hochschule der Künste Bern, Bern, CH
2015 / Minor in Museums, Cultural Heritage and Collections / Leiden University, Leiden, South-Holland, NL
2011-2015 / Bachelor of Fine Arts / Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, South-Holland, NL
2010 / photography / University of Applied Photography, Apeldoorn, NL
2010 / preparatory course fine art / Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Utrecht, NL
2004-2010 / havo-vwo / nature & technics / arts / music / Corderius College, Amersfoort, Utrecht, NL
group exhibitions
2018 / 'ANEW' / MA CAP / Graduation Festival / Pasquart, Biel, CH
2017 / 'to, for, you' / MA CAP, Hochschule der Künste Bern, Bern, CH
2015 / 'Graduation Festival' / Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, South-Holland, NL
2015 / 'Could Be' / One Nest Stand / Nest, The Hague, South-Holland, NL
2015 / 'Quote Me If I'm Wrong' / de Rode Olifant, The Hague, South-Holland, NL
2014 / 'No One Gets Angry' / Minerva Academy, Groningen, Groningen, NL
2013 / 'Humor in de Kunst' / Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, South-Holland, NL
2012 / Graphic Biennale / Pulchri, The Hague, South-Holland, NL
2009 / ‘Zonen&Dochters van Amersfoort’ / Monderiaanhuis, Amersfoort, Utrecht, NL
publications on
2018 / Graduation Catalogue 2018 / Hochschule der Künste Bern, Bern, CH
2015 / BK-informatie Magazine #5 / Rotterdam, South-Holland, NL
2015 / Graduation Festival 2015 / catelogue, / Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, South-Holland, NL
2009 / 750 years Amersfoort newspaper, about exhibition / Municipality of Amersfoort, Utrecht, NL
publications by
2018 / I Have One Eye That Is Always Sad / MA Thesis, Self-published
2017 / 9 11 - On The Perception of Places and Dates / essay, Self-published
2017 / Is This A Good Question? / Y Institute - toolbox /MA CAP, Hochschule der Künste Bern, Bern, CH
2016 / The Colour of Distance / essay, Self-published
2015 / The Contemporary Allurement of Our Fading Heritage / BA Thesis, Self-published
2013 / Role Model - Elly Strik, interview & text / Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, South-Holland, NL
2012 / Role Model - David Powell, illustrations / Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, South-Holland, NL